Ninety-Nine Glimpses of Princess Margaret is a biography written by whom?
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What is the third novel in David Baldacci's "Will Robie" series and was released in 2014?
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Who is elected leader in "Lord of the Flies"?
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In John Webster's play "The Duchess of Malfi", who executes the Duchess?
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Who is Livvy dating in Thule, in the novel "Queen of Air and Darkness"?
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What was Jane Austen's sister's name?
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Who wrote the book "My Love Story"?
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What is the name of the author of the novel "An Anonymous Girl"?
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What is the last written word of the book "The Cruel Prince"?
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What type of literature is 2005 Nobel Prize winner Harold Pinter best known for?
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Who is the protagonist of "Nineteen Eighty-Four"?
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In what year was Andy Warhol's "A Gold Book By Andy Warhol" first published?
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What is the name of the protagonist in the 2019 novel "Ancestral Night"?
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Who wrote the healthy eating book "Fit for Life"?
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The book "Earthman, Come Home" was written by whom?
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J. K. Rowling's 2013 crime fiction novel "The Cuckoo's Calling" was published under what pseudonym?
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Which one of these 1918 fiction books was written by Zane Grey?
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Where was the word "nerd" first used in print?
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Who is the author of the poem at the beginning of the novel "The Cruel Prince"?
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Which famous writer was recognized as a social satirist later in his career?
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