In the 2019 fantasy book "Middlegame" by Seanan McGuire, what is the name of the twins?
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What happens to Piggy in "Lord of the Flies"?
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What is the name of the protagonist in the fantasy novel "The Ruin of Kings"?
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Which one of these 1995 nonfiction books was written by Deepak Chopra?
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What is Lorcan's new name , In the novel "Kingdom of Ash"?
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Which author was dressed and treated as a girl by his mother?
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The book "The City and the Stars" was written by whom?
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Edward Albee wrote this famous play in the sixties?
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What 2013 novel by Sylvia Day is the third in the "Crossfire" series?
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The Washington Irving character Ichabod Crane had feet shaped like what?
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In which William Faulkner novel is "My mother is a fish" an entire chapter?
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What 2013 book is subtitled: "Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics"?
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Where did members of the "Saturday Club" (which included Emerson, Longfellow and Oliver Wendell Holmes) meet?
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Who wrote "Twelve Years a Slave", a memoir and slave narrative?
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What classic book has the quote "I have been a stranger in a strange land"?
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The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was about whom?
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What 2013 children's novel is the eighth book in the "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" series?
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To whom was Scrooge an apprentice in "A Christmas Carol"?
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In what year did famed mystery author Agatha Christie die?
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Prism Cloud by Jeff Wheeler is the 4th installment in which trilogy?
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