What cave located in the Santa Cruz province of Argentina is famous for the paintings of hands?
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What is the name of the town in Ireland whose name means "the little field" and is home to a legendary stone?
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In what country is the World Heritage site, Flemish Beguinages?
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What U-shaped, 82 meters high chasm is located in the Iguazu Falls?
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Who owned the New York World Trade Towers buildings?
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Located in the Nazca Desert in southern Peru, what are the best known geoglyphs in the world?
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What mountain range extend from north to south through seven South American countries?
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Whose tomb is located at Pasargadae in Iran?
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What was created by Jim Reinders in Nebraska with 38 vintage cars to replicate Stonehenge?
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What mountain in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is known worldwide for its cableway and panoramic views of the city?
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Which best describes Arlington National Cemetery?
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What city's reputation as the "Garden City of India" began in 1927?
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In what country is the World Heritage site, Fortress of Suomenlinna?
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What cathedral in Brazil is a hyperboloid structure constructed from 16 concrete columns?
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Where in Massachusetts is Harvard University?
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What is the name commonly used to refer to the University of Paris?
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What is the landmark building in Inglewood, California that has a giant doughnut on the roof?
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What is considered is the world's largest art museum?
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What is the name of the 52-foot statue of a talking cowboy seen at the Texas State Fair in Dallas?
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Located in Honduras, Copan was once one of the most important cities of what great ancient culture?
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