Computers and Technology
What company co-wrote the first OS/2 operating system with IBM?
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If a person on the internet says they are "ROFL", what are they doing?
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How many characters did Twitter originally restrict users to?
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IBM is an acronym for what?
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Which company ranks as the number one social media website?
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The World Wide Web is delivered on what network?
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What does the internet expression "NTN" stand for?
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What does the internet expression "TIL" stand for?
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What does "www" stand for?
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What do the "T's" stand for in the internet expression "TTFN"?
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What is a "Java applet"?
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What company made the Presario computer?
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What does the acronym "URL" stand for?
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What is the definition of an Intranet?
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What is MSN Web Messenger?
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What version of the iPad mini was announced in 2013?
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Which networking technology's name is derived from that of a 10th-century Danish king?
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Which of these e-commerce companies do not offer the auction feature on their websites for their products?
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In what year did Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs build the first Apple personal computer?
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February 8, 1996 was the day the "web went black" in protest against what?
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