Computers and Technology
When was the Apple iPod introduced?
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When writing a window OnLoad event into an HTML document, which tag should you place the event handler in?
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What does the CSS stand for in web page technology?
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A monitor discharges magnetic current in what process?
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Which company marketed the Amiga 1000 personal computer?
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What did Google name its free HTML editor?
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What standards body defines the 802.11g standard?
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What are the logical separations between data on a CD called?
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In 2001, a virus spread by masquerading as a digital picture of which celebrity?
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Which VoIP protocol consists of a "Call Agent" and a set of gateways?
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Who sold to Yahoo?
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What utility tracks the path between two computers?
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What general-purpose Internet encryption protocol, published in 1999, derived from SSL?
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What designation is given to the part of the radio spectrum used for wireless networking?
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How many bits per pixel do you need for a 256 GIF image?
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What does the acronym "SCSI" stand for?
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What type of packets does a "ping" application use?
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What technology processes all lines of a video signal?
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Which microprocessor was the world's first to contain over one million transistors on a .4 x .6 silicon chip?
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ARPAnet is better known as what?
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