Computers and Technology
When was the original Macintosh computer released?
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Which of the following is not an internet browser?
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Which is not a World Wide Web standard?
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What is the name of the Apple OS X email client?
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What does the acronym LCD stand for?
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What is the term for faking an identity online?
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What variable is typically used as a counter?
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Which title was once the best-selling PC game of all time?
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Which of these is measured in hertz?
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Following links from a site and on to other sites on the web is called what?
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What network company was founded in 1984 by a group of Stanford computer scientists?
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Which of the following means "compact disk read only memory"?
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Which of these terms refers to high-bandwidth, always-on internet connections?
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What company created the ThinkPad?
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The Bing search engine is a product of which company?
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What is a computer program that reproduces itself over a network?
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What Windows keyboard shortcut will display the corresponding menu?
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Which one of these companies is the leading online dating website?
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What company developed the operating system for IBM's personal computer in 1980?
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Who is credited with creating the World Wide Web?
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