Capital Cities
What is the capital of Equatorial Guinea?
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Which country with a total area of 11,300 square kilometers has Banjul as its capital city?
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What is the capital of Botswana?
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What is the northernmost capital city in the world?
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What is the capital and largest city of Bangladesh?
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Of what stone is the Colorado state capital building made?
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Georgetown is the capital of what country?
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Which country is Chisinau the capital of?
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Which country is Male the capital of?
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Papeete is the capital of what country?
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What city is a major seaport and gateway to China's capital Beijing?
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What is the capital city of Mauritania?
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Saipan is the capital of what country?
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Phoenix Park and St. Stephen's Green are located in what national capital?
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What is the capital of Angola?
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Tarawa is the capital of which country?
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What is the capital of Serbia?
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Reunion Island, part of the Mascarene Islands in the Indian Ocean, boasts which capital city?
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Bridgetown is the capital of which country?
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Beirut is the capital of what nation?
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