After giving up art in 1876, Vincent van Gogh resumed painting in which year?
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Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper" was painted in which room of a Milan monastery?
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Which factor indicates the total number of times a pottery piece must be fired?
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What do the initials "CDV" stand for when used to describe a civil war photo?
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In which year did the Nazis hold their exhibition of "degenerate art"?
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Which type of clay is heavy and pure, and found in the place it was originally made?
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Which of the following was not a favorite subject for Winslow Homer?
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Who was the artist whose painting entitled "White Square" was a white square on a white background?
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Which type of clay has been transported from its original location, and has collected impurities?
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Early 20th century artist Frida Kahlo was all of these except for what?
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In Botticelli's "The Birth of Venus", who is waiting to throw a red cloak around Venus' shoulders?
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After many early failures as a painter, at which age did Paul Cezanne's art career begin?
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In a herringbone perspective, where do all lines of projection converge?
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Which is an applique in which layers of cloth are sewn together and a pattern cut in the top layer?
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The word "photography" is derived from words in Greek which mean "light" and what else?
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Which French Expressionist painter was a professional racing cyclist until he took up painting in 1900?
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The first photographs were developed on sheets of which metal?
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Which painter entitled one of his works "Where Do We Come From? Who are We? Where Are We Going?"?
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How do many Southwest Native Americans come by the clay they use for pottery?
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One of the ingredients necessary for porcelain, Petuntse, is found only in which country?
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