What is the name given to a figure's pose when it suggests movement?
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What is the art term for the pursuit of things in an ideal form?
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What is the name of a depicted scene showing shepherds, country life or rustic serenity?
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What is the name of the process of filling a mold with a liquid material that will form a sculpture?
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Raphael once painted a picture of what major Bible figure giving keys to St. Peter?
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Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque led which art movement that focused on the shapes within objects?
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Which technique allows the filmmaker to give the image a three-dimensional appearance?
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The famous "Campbell's Soup Can" picture was created by which of these artists?
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Jewish artist Marc Chagall designed 12 stained-glass windows for Hadassah Hospital, located where?
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Ancient Greek artist Praxiteles' sculptures were famous because they did what?
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Edgar Degas' "Dance Class" and "Rehearsal on Set" were set in which type of classroom?
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What is the name of colors that have low lightness and low saturation?
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Renaissance artist Raphael's first painting teacher was whom?
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In the 1630's Diego Velazquez painted many equestrian images, pictures of people on what?
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Henri Matisse's first big work was at which 1907 Paris event?
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In 1905, Pablo Picasso entered his "Rose Period", painting jugglers and acrobats from where?
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Where did Jewish artist Marc Chagall go when he left France during World War II?
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The statues Michelangelo made for Lorenzo de Medici's tomb are "Dawn", "Evening", "Day" and what?
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What is the name of a tool with a curved iron bar with a point at one end and a chisel at the other?
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What is a piece of artwork placed above and behind an altar in a church called?
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