This cute and sly creature is a what?
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Which species best matches this description, "large, spotted wild cat from South and Central America"?
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Which animal often has a distinguishable spotted print?
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Which bird is closely related to the pheasant and has enormous tail feathers?
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What is the largest land mammal?
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Snakes utilize their sense of smell how?
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What animal uses scent to deter predators?
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What is this popular pet?
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What is this endangered mammal?
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Which animal has no vocal chords?
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What mammal has a blowhole on top of their head to breathe?
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Which of the following mammals lays eggs?
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Which animal has a keen sense of smell and is a great pet?
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Which is not a rodent?
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Which animal does not have hooves?
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What animal has two blowholes?
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What kind of slithering reptile is this?
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Which of the following is not a bird?
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Which animal lives in the Arctic and has long tusks?
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What animal lives in the northern Pacific Ocean?
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