TV 10s
Spoiled billionaire and talented archer Oliver Queen is a superhero from which show?
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Which of these TV shows are animated?
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Which show is an animated series that follows a super scientist and his not-so-bright grandson?
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Which show does the fictional character Daenerys Targaryen belong to?
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Seth Meyers was a cast member and head writer of what TV show?
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Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown is focused on what theme?
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Which of the following shows is a spin off of "Breaking Bad"?
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Which show features Anthony Hopkins and humanoids in an old west setting?
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Which TV show opens with the announcement "Live From New York, its Saturday Night"?
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Which is a TV series is about computer hackers?
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Which TV series is about a woman in the White House?
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In which show are you likely to see a sword fight?
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Which is the news network that features Wolf Blitzer?
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What U.S. federal agency is the TV series "Quantico" about?
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Which of these TV series is a medical drama?
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Which of these TV shows are animated?
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Dragons, White Walkers and giants are all creatures of which TV series?
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Mike, Eleven, Dustin, Lucas and Will are from which science fiction series?
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Who is the actor known as The Rock that is in the HBO series "Ballers"?
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What popular drama about the Ewing family came back on TV with an updated plot in 2012?
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