Movies 90s
In the movie, "Ronin", what is in the silver case?
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Which of these people did not provide a voice for the hyenas in "The Lion King"?
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In the film "Goodfellas", what airline is robbed?
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Which actor played Silent Bob in the movies "Mallrats", "Chasing Amy", and "Clerks"?
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In the parking lot in the movie "Fargo", where does Carl get shot?
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Who provided the voice of Jessie the Yodeling Cowgirl in "Toy Story 2"?
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In the film "Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery", Dr. Evil won't be unfrozen until what happens?
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Who was the voice of Mr. Potato Head in "Toy Story"?
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In "Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery", what country was Dr. Evil's mother from?
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What is Morrie's profession in the movie "Goodfellas"?
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Who performed the voice of Scar in the "Lion King"?
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Which star was in 2002's "The Tuxedo" and 1998's "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer"?
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Who was it that "Forrest Gump" was always looking for when he was in Vietnam?
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In the movie "Austin Powers", where did smoke come out of on the Fembots, according to Austin?
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In "Braveheart", Historians from England will say I am a liar, but history is written by who?
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In the 1998 "Godzilla" remake, what is the first reptile that appears in the opening credits?
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The 1996 film "The English Patient" takes place during which war?
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Who was not in the movie "Dazed and Confused"?
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Who had a small role in "Jerry Maguire" and roles in other Cameron Crowe movies?
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What book does Loki refer to in the beginning of "Dogma"?
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