Movies 90s
In "The Wedding Singer" with Adam Sandler, who sang at Robbie and Julie's wedding?
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What is the name of the comic that Hooper X introduces in the beginning of "Chasing Amy"?
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In "Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls", how does Ace carry the sacred bat?
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In the movie "Mallrats", what is the story told by Brodie at the beginning of the movie?
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Which film featured 4 human-like reptiles trained in martial arts?
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Which black and white movie follows Polish-Jewish refugees during the Holocaust?
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Which film is this quote from: "This is from Matilda."?
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In the movie "Braveheart" who is the Princess of Wales?
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What was the name of Mark Wahlberg's character in the movie "Boogie Nights"?
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