Movies 90s
In "The Usual Suspects", how much is the cocaine that is supposed to be on the boat worth?
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Which President examines Forrest's wound in "Forrest Gump"?
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In what 1993 film does Harrison Ford play Dr. Richard Kimble?
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In which film was Whoopi Goldberg dressed as a nun?
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In "Braveheart", how much Calvary does the British army have at the Battle of Stirling?
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In which film did Chris Tucker ask "Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?"?
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In the movie "The Mummy", where was Anck Su Namun's soul sent to?
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Which of these bands was not featured on the "Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls" movie soundtrack?
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In which film did Tom Hanks say "Houston, we have a problem."?
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