Movies 90s
In "Reservoir Dogs", what is the name of the mob boss who hired the thieves?
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In the movie "Mallrats", what does Gil Hicks Major in?
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In "The English Patient", which digits does a Nazi torturer cut off?
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Ace Ventura 2: When Nature Calls, when Ace knocked out the Monopoly guy he said "Lovely, but I fancy myself in"?
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"Analyze This" stars Robert De Niro as a mobster who seeks the help from who?
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Which Tom starred in the film "You've Got Mail" with Meg Ryan?
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Who played Tina Turner in "What's Love Got To Do With It"?
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The Phantom Menace was the first movie in the Prequel Trilogy of what famous franchise?
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Who played the character Dorothy Boyd in the movie "Jerry Maguire"?
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