Movies 90s
Cool Runnings is about an unlikely bobsled team from what country trying to make the Olympics?
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In "Pulp Fiction", what type of cigarettes does Butch smoke?
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Which of the following actors is not in "Jerry Maguire"?
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In "Braveheart", William Wallace is abandoned by the nobles what battle?
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Which film first introduced the character Queen Padme Amidala?
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In "The Wedding Singer", Robbie's singing partner mistook him for whom?
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What is the name of the comic that Hooper X introduces in the beginning of "Chasing Amy"?
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In "The Silence of the Lambs", what does Clarice find in a jar in Raspail's car?
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Who played Buttercup in "The Princess Bride" and Jenny in "Forrest Gump"?
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