Movies 00s
Nicolas Cage must help protect the Navajo Codetalkers in which war movie?
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In the 2007 film "Music and Lyrics", Sophie's sister first sees Alex perform at what function?
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In the movie, "The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement", how long does Princess Mia have to find a husband?
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What is the Empire building during "Revenge of the Sith"?
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In "Revenge of the Sith", why does Anakin join the Sith order?
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What David Fincher drama chronicles the mystery of the Zodiac Killer?
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In "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides", what is Philip Swift's line of work?
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Which of these movies is about professional wrestling?
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Who does Chazz Michael Michaels skate with in the 2007 movie "Blades of Glory"?
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