Foreign Films

What scary creatures are featured in "Train To Busan"?

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Out of the four Best Director nominations Fellini received from the Academy Awards, how many did he win?
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Out of the five Academy Award nominations received, how many Oscars did the 2001 film "Amelie" win?
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Star of the 1957 film "Nights of Cabiria", Giulietta Masina, won the Best Actress award at which event?
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Who co-wrote the story for the 1954 film "La Strada", along with Federico Fellini?
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Who is the actor who appeared in the Swedish film "White Water Fury" and played Eric in the TV series "True Blood"?
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What profession does Amelie have in the 2001 French film "Amelie"?
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The foreign film 'House of Flying Daggers' was initially released in which country?
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What is the name of Damiel's angelic friend in the 1987 German film "Wings Of Desire"?
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