Foreign Films
What payment is offered by the village to the samurai in the 1954 film "Seven Samurai"?
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What illness did Amelie's father believe she had in the 2001 French film "Amelie"?
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From what country is the 2010 film, "I Am Love" from?
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In the 1982 film "Fitzcarraldo", Brian Sweeney Fitzgerald is a fan of which opera singer?
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Although the 2003 film "Swimming Pool" is set in France, where does Sarah Morton normally work?
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What is the name of Michel Delassalle's wife in the 1954 film "Les Diaboliques"?
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The 2008 French film "The Colonel" was set during what African nation's war for independence?
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Which film continued the adventures of Monsieur Hulot after the 1967 film "Playtime"?
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