Foreign Films
What is the name of Ray and Ken's boss in the 2008 British film "In Bruges"?
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The 1963 film "8 1/2" was the basis for what Broadway musical?
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In the 1954 film "Seven Samurai" Kambei Shimada masquerades as what profession to rescue a young child?
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The film "The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie" won the Best Foreign Language Film award at which event?
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Who is the New Zealand born actor stars in the 2014 film "The Water Diviner"?
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The main action of 2006's "Cold Play" takes place in what type of building?
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What actor who played the Hulk made his feature film debut in the 1997 Australian comedy, "The Castle"?
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Who co-wrote, with Roberto Rossellini, the story and screenplay for the 1954 film "Journey To Italy"?
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Who wrote and directed the 2005 film "Time To Leave"?
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