Foreign Films
The 1997 film "Princess Mononoke" replaced which film as the biggest grossing film of all time in Japan?
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What genre of film is the Sergio Leone film, "Once Upon a Time in the West"?
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What is the name of the cursed character in the 1997 film "Princess Mononoke"?
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What is the name of the main character in the 1959 French film "The 400 Blows"?
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Wellywood refers to the film industry based in Wellington of what country?
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What is the name of the Valley's attackers in the 1984 Anime film "Nausicaa Of The Valley Of The Wind"?
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From what country is the 2010 film, "I Am Love" from?
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In what country is in the 2001 film "The Devil's Backbone" set?
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