Foreign Films
In what type of building is the 1980 film "The Last Metro" set?
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Wellywood refers to the film industry based in Wellington of what country?
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Star of the 1957 film "Nights of Cabiria", Giulietta Masina, won the Best Actress award at which event?
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The main action of 2006's "Cold Play" takes place in what type of building?
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Which country produced the 2005 Academy Award-winning film "Tsotsi"?
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What do friends Karl and Hans have in common in the 2006 German film "A Friend of Mine"?
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Who directed the 1965 film "For a Few Dollars More"?
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In the foreign film 'Oldboy', directed by Park Chan-wook, the primary language spoken is which of these?
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What is Chatur Ramalingam's nickname in the 2009 film "3 Idiots"?
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