Foreign Films
In what country is the 2005 movie "House of Sand", directed by Andrucha Waddington, set?
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Which film received the 2009 Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film?
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What is the name of the headmistress of the orphanage in the 2001 film "The Devil's Backbone"?
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How old was Pu Yi when he became Emperor in the 1987 film "The Last Emperor"?
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Rocco is Italian in the film "Rocco And His Brothers"; what nationality is the actor that played him?
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The film Parasite was the first movie in a non-english language to win a 'Best Picture' from which of these awards?
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The U-Boat models used in the 1981 film "Das Boot" were later re-used in which film?
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What task does Minister Ivan assign neo-Nazi Adam in the 2005 Danish film "Adam's Apples"?
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After Rocco's family moves to Milano, what job does he find the 1960 film "Rocco And His Brothers"?
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